Program Application

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    Conversion action Online purchase with processed valid payment
    Cookie days 30 days
    Commission type Percent of Sale
    Base commission 8.00%
    The Minaal Creator Partner Program

    We exist to help our users and wider community do great work and live fulfilling lives. And we think content creators, reviewers, and curators do great work helping people find the most suitable tools to succeed in that goal.

    The Minaal Creator Partner Program is different to common affiliate marketing setups, in ways that we believe are important:
    • Partnership in the Creator Partner Program is invite-only.
    • Creators must have an established track record of fair, considered content that provides value primarily to their audience – not their site, their bank accounts, or a 3rd party.
      • In other words, they need to have a reputation to lose if they use spammy or untruthful marketing tactics.
    • To send an invite, we need to trust that any positive reviews will be genuine, not just as a result of our partnership.
      • We also won’t revoke any partnership because of a fair, negative review.
    • The Creator Partner Program is evaluated and either approved or paused by Minaal every calendar quarter.
    • All partners must explicitly agree to these guidelines before gaining access to the program.
    We’ve seen low-quality affiliate programs create bad outcomes for people who just want trustworthy reviews from someone who cares deeply about their content.

    On the flipside, we care deeply about passionate people/publications/channels who want to geek out on zippers and buckles.

    For us, the Creator Partner Program has to serve the second group – otherwise it just ain't worth it.

    Minaal Creator Community Program:
    • 8% commission on referred sales
      • Taxes and shipping not included
    • 30 day tracking policy for referral credit
    • Dedicated program manager
    • No coupon competition!
    • Industry-leading AOV.
    • 30-day payout terms (Net30) - we have a 90-day Change-of-Mind return policy for customers, so this is subject to change.
    • Minimum payout: $100
    • Payout method: Paypal
      • Payouts once a month, on or around the 1st.
    • Restrict sharing your unique link to channels that you own and manage. That means reviews on your site and Youtube reviews are okay, but posting it to Reddit or Twitter is not.
    • Where you are sharing your referral links must be disclosed any time we ask.
    • No digital marketing may contain your unique referral link. In general, no marketing (paid or otherwise) should mimic our brand.
    • No bidding on brand keywords or their misspellings.
    • No use of domain names containing our brand names, or misspellings of brand names.
    • Returned and canceled orders will not qualify for referral payouts. Orders impacting affiliate commissions are reconciled at the end of the month.
    • We reserve the right to cancel or adjust every aspect of the Creator Partner Program at any time. We’re extremely excited to support creators, so we’re very excited about this program. But we may need to make adjustments or even sunset this program in the future, so we want to be up front that things could change down the road.
    If you have questions about this program, please email feedback[@]minaal[dot]com and our team will follow up!

    Our standard privacy policy applies: